Blowjob Machine Essentials

Editor’s Pick

Autoblow A.I. Blowjob Machine
  • Autoblow A.I.
  • Best Blowjob Machine
  • Sleeves can be interchanged
  • Industrial strength motor
  • Does NOT require batteries
  • Hands free blowjob machine
  • Sleeves are easy to clean
Kiiroo Onyx+ Blowjob Toy
  • Kiiroo Onyx+
  • Best Blowjob Masturbator
  • Vibrating Sex Toy
  • USB rechargeable
  • 100% Hands free
  • Sliding scale of speed
  • Easy to clean and store
F1s Developer's Kit
  • F1s Developer's Kit
  • Best Blowjob Toy
  • Hands Free
  • No Batteries Needed
  • Powerful Motor
  • Body-Safe Silicone Sleeve
  • Easy to clean

Blowjob Machine

You may have the hottest most talked about blow job machine of the moment but without some very important essentials to go with the toy you may be losing out. Below are our top essential sex toy purchases.


This may seem obvious but there’s been countless occasions where we have got a brand new sex toy, only to find we haven’t got any batteries to turn the sex toy on. More often than not sex toys do not include batteries so it’s very important to buy some.

Most smaller vibrators like bullets can use strange sized batteries so please don’t think you’ll just get some out of your remote control!

Important note: The Autoblow 2 plugs into any wall outlet – never needs batteries

Sex Toy Cleaner

It’s extremely important to keep your sex toy clean. This is not just to prolong the life of the toy but also to help stop infections due to bacteria. We have found sex toy cleanerto be the no.1 way to clean most sex toys and it’s very cheap to purchase from many sex toy stores too!


Without a shadow of a doubt sex toys feel better with lube. You may feel you get wet enough with your natural lubricant but through our experience and what we hear from many other people is lube is a must when it comes to sex toys.

This is especially true when it comes to blowjob machines as they basically ALL rely on lubrication. Think about it… thrusting into a 100% dry vagina with ridges and nodules isn’t going to be pleasant.

A very important thing to think about with lube is there are two main types: Silicone and Water Based. Depending on what material the toy is and where you are planning on using it would decide which type to use. If you are using a silicone or realistic touch toy then you must not use silicone based lubricant as it will damage the toy.

For us 98% of the time we use water based as it’s extremely toy friendly. We turn to silicone based lube when we have some fun in the bath or shower as it’s more water-resistant.


You may feel us suggesting condoms as a sex toy essential to be ludicrous. If you are using porous sex toy materials like jelly and realistic feel toys we highly suggest using a condom. Also if you plan to share your sex toy with your partner a condom is the best way to make this much safer for the both of you.


More and more sex toys are becoming rechargeable and thankfully most of them do come with their own chargers. There are a couple that don’t include chargers so keep an eye out for these. The main sex toys that do not include their own are the new toys by Fun Factory. Luckily the chargers can be picked up for a small price!

Trust us it’s a nightmare to discover a toy that you cannot use because it’s missing a charger so keep your eye out.

Cornflour / Cornstarch

No it’s no mistake we haven’t started a recipe for a cake! Cornflour is a must if you are purchasing realistic feeling material toys like UR3, SensaFirm, Pleasureskin and even Fleshlights. By sprinkling some cornflour on these toys after use will prolong the toys lifespan considerably and also keep the realistic feel.

Sex toy stores where you can buy these essentials:


We hope by following the above tips you can get the most out of your sex toys. We have on occasion forgot some of these key essentials ourselves and missed out so we hope by reading this it helps you.


About the Author

Jeff Hernandez

Jeff Hernandez

Hello, my name is Jeff. I consider myself a sex toys fan and expert. I started three years ago to educate people about the various blowjob machines and masturbators that are available to buy. I’ve received tons of emails from people all over the world and I’m glad to have helped everyone out! Blowjob toys have made my masturbation life 100 times better.

It might seem strange for a male to use a blowjob machine but how can something that feels so good be wrong? Girls don’t seem to have hangups about using vibrators/dildos so why should it be the same for males. Once you start using an automatic sex toy you’ll never go back to your hand.

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